- We offer children developmentally appropriate experiences in art, literature, language arts, gross and fine motor skills reading and writing readiness, music, science, dramatic art, daily physical activities, social skills, and problem solving.
- We expect our program to:
- Provide developmentally appropriate opportunities for children to grow in independence, responsibility, creativity, socially, emotionally and self-expression.
- Nurture intellectual curiosity and a disposition for learning.
- Develop self-esteem through emotional growth, social and spiritual development, and being self-sufficient.
- Maintain limits on behavior in a way that enables inner impulse-control.
- Stimulate an awareness of God’s love.
- We expect our program to:
Academics through Play
- We believe children actively learn through play and creative exploration. Words, numbers, letters, colors, shapes, etc., are presented to children as part of the world around them and prepare them to become lifelong learners. By presenting concepts and symbols repeatedly and in natural developmentally appropriate ways, we believe ALL of our students will be adequately prepared for kindergarten and beyond. Our academic goals are to foster intellectual curiosity, keep children excited about learning, and help them to develop a sense of confidence and competence in a school environment.
Daily Schedule
- A consistent, yet flexibly followed, daily schedule offers children the opportunity to develop routines, prepare for transitions, and play and learn in a low-anxiety environment. Actual schedules are posted in the classrooms, but each day will allow time for all of the following activities:
- Indoor Free Play and Projects: Each day we begin with free choice play. Children may choose from blocks, puzzles, dress-up clothes, playhouses, books, manipulatives/table toys, and art project materials. These are all within their reach and available throughout the day. Children are given ample time and space to imagine, explore, and play cooperatively. During this time, children also have the opportunity to work on multi-level, multi-sensory, multi-objective projects, which have been designed and presented with an emphasis on process and exploration rather than product.
- Circle Time: Children gather in a large group for singing, playing games, musical instruments, skits, movement, reading a story or a puppet show. Circle time is one of the most teacher-directed activities here at Little Sprouts, but even so there are many choices and opportunities to creatively thrive. Some of this time may be used for simple Bible Stories and praying for each other. We encourage children to love God, themselves, others and all of creation.
- Outdoor Free Play: Our climbing structure-equipped with horizontal and vertical ladders, and slide- is just one of the features of our outdoor play area. We also provide a large sandbox, play houses, one and two person tricycles, quiet book area, balls, and water play to spark imaginative play and develop gross motor skills.
- On rainy days, we have the option to use the covered outdoor space, which includes the wooden play house, sandbox, and slide/climbing structure. Or, we use the indoor play space that we use for gym time, which includes equipment such as tumbling mats, tunnels, and other large motor activities.